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Modern Events Calendar + All Addons - 7.14.1

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Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹180.00.


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Modern Events Calendar
Manage Your Events between Fastest, Easiest & Modern Way along good WordPress work Calendar plugin

Add tournament image
Location Maps
Single time events
Multiple period events
You may beget occasions that maintain more than 1 day
Ability in imitation of propagate whole time events
Add in conformity with Google Calendar feature
Add in conformity with iCal, Outlook, etc. via downloading .ics file
Advanced match places system
Advanced tournament organizer system
Ability according to let in pics because areas then organizers
Ability in conformity with tag events
Ability according to categorizing occasions within unbounded categories
Repeating events

Ability in accordance with originate every day events
Ability according to originate hebdomadal events
Ability in imitation of propagate month-to-month events
Ability in accordance with effect every year events
Ability in accordance with repeat events of weekdays and weekends
Ability to engage customized intervals because of events.

Never end events
Ability after propagate by no means give up events
Ability in imitation of accept a assured date because event finish
Ability after end an match then secure repeats
Event countdown
Simple and Advanced Google Maps direction feature
Shortcode Inventor interface
Advanced filtering alternatives because shortcode creator
Dynamic event labels
Ability in imitation of hide previous occasions among shortcodes
Ability after insert customized CSS among settings
Ability in imitation of exhibit only featured events
Smooth Month navigation
More than 10 one-of-a-kind map patterns because of Google Maps
Ability after export every events from WP backend
Support criticize shape among alone match page
Translation Ready
English then Spanish call support

Display options

Font Awesome icons
Multiple shade skins
Ability in conformity with choose customized colors
Monthly/Calendar view
Weekly view
Daily View
List/Grid views
Map view
Show occasions about the Google Maps based concerning their location
RTL support
Custom shades for events


Ability in accordance with propagate more than a few variety regarding tickets
Ability according to employ a government of amount bookings
Ability in imitation of accept a limit for secure tickets
Ability to effect unrestricted tickets
Add custom fields according to booking form
Global Tax/Fee introduction system
Ability to create sure costs because of every event
Coupons and Discount manager
Ability to disable coupons feature
Advanced forex options
Implemented three payment methods

Pay locally
PayPal Express
PayPal Credit Card

Ability after enable/disable price methods
Send exclusive notifications after booker/admin

Booking notification because of booker/attendee
Booking notification for admin
Booking proving in imitation of attendee
Booking confirmation by means of admin in accordance with attendee
Booking Reminders notification

Ability in accordance with mechanically verify uninterrupted and/or paid bookings
Ability in imitation of absolutely disable reserving function postulate you don’t need to utilizes it.
CSV export choice because bookings
MS Excel export alternative for bookings


WPML ready
WordPress Multisite ready
Visual Composer addon
Cache plugins compatibility
SEO plugins compatibility


Completely developer friendly
Ability in imitation of override archive and odd pages of a theme
Ability in accordance with disapprove skin files among a theme
Ability after filter plugin alternatives using WordPress filtering system
Ability in conformity with furnace customized functions the use of WordPress actions API

Bold Features

WooCommerce Payment Integreation
Stripe Payment Integreation
Mailchimp Integration
BuddyPress Integration
Archive Page Skin
Single or Multiple time events
Advanced Google Maps
Import events beside Google Calendar
Export filtered occasions into CSV, MS Excel, JSON then XML formats
Exceptional Days
Google Recaptcha
Hourly Schedule
Available Widget within entire Sidebar
Matching Shortcode yet Widget
Matching Shortcode and Visual Composer
Custom CSS
Advanced categorizing and filtering options
Event note because of frontend event submission
Frontend Event Submission
Recurring/Repeating events
Next resultant Module
Shortcode Creator
Auto ascertainment ( Email & Booking )
Taxes / Fees
Multiple coloration skins
Slider View
Cover View
Countdown View
Carousel View
Monthly/Calendar View
Weekly View
Daily View
List/Grid View
Timetable View
Agenda View
Masonry View
QR Code Module
Weather Module View
Available Spot View
Booking form builder
Map View
RTL support
Advanced Tax/Fee system
Multiple Tickets system
event stooping via guest (Not logged-in) users
Event Details/Single Event Page
Coupons/Discount system
PayPal Integration
Multisite Ready
WPML Ready
SEO ready
Developer friendly
Choose Weekends
Create Booking Form
Europ call completed

For Installation or Technical Related Queries check FAQ Page

Our Website also have older version of the plugins and theme. So you can test your website with compatible plugins or Rollback plugins in case of any bug or compatibility issues.

UNZIP the file downloaded from our website, the zip file might contain other files like Template, Docs etc. So make sure you upload correct file.

Make sure to Delete the version of theme/plugin that you have on your website before you upload our premium version, it might cause a conflict during installation and activation.

Or WordPress will say “destination already exists” when trying to upgrade using a zip file and will fail to upgrade the theme or plugin.

First install and activate this plugin – Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades,
then follow the below steps:

For Plugins:

  • Download the latest zip file for your plugin.
  • Log into your WordPress site.
  • Go to Plugins > Add New.
  • Click the “Upload Plugin” button at the top of the page.
  • Select the zip file with the new plugin version to install.
  • Click the “Install Now” button.

For Themes:

  • Log into your WordPress site.
  • Go to Appearance > Themes.
  • Click the “Add New” button at the top of the page.
  • Click the “Upload Theme” button at the top of the page.
  • Select the zip file with the new theme version to install.
  • Click the “Install Now” button.

Sometimes theme/plugin might ask you for license, just ignore. Because we have already activated the product with out legal key, which we have purchased for you.

When a New version appears and is available on our website you’ll find it in My Account “Downloads section” then Download it. 

Our business hours are Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm, any request made outside these hours will be answered until next business day. Support and Updates can take 24 to 48 hours. Support provided is for product installation. Please be aware of possible time zone differences when waiting for our reply.

If you have any Queries, Feel Free to Contact Us: 

Abuse Warning:

  • Please note that accounts are monitored and redistribution of our content is not allowed and will not be tolerated.
  • Our system may detect patterns of downloading items from non-end users outside of our fair use policy.
  • Any violation of our terms of use will result in permanent account suspension and no refunds will be issued.
  • Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time from your account control panel.
  • Downloads are strictly subject to our fair use policy.

For more information please read FAQs & Terms of Use.

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Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹180.00.

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹180.00.

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹180.00.

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹180.00.

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹180.00.

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹180.00.

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹180.00.