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FAQ Page

Frequently asked Questions and Answers

Basic Questions

Why Should You Choose Ultra Plugins?

ULTRA PLUGINS is a website offering a vast selection of premium products (software) essential for website development, encompassing WordPress themes and plugins, PHP scripts, JavaScript, HTML templates, and more, all available at a more affordable cost compared to traditional developer prices.

How The Prices Are So Low?

All WordPress products such as plugins and themes are licensed under the General Public License (GPL). This means that once we purchase the item, we can freely redistribute it. Your purchase on our site enables us to maintain subscriptions to 3rd party theme and plugin authors. This helps to keep our prices low.

  • Yes, 100%.  We have active subscriptions for all themes, plugins, add-ons, and WooCommerce extensions to the developers of the products featured on our website.
  • We download original direct files from them and redistribute to you with GPL license.
  • Themes and Plugins distributed and delivered by our repository are 100% open-source with the GNU GPL and 100% Legal.

Do You Provide Product Updates?

  • Yes. All our products are regularly kept up to date.
  • As soon as we are notified about an update, we download it from the developer and update it on our site.
  • Depending on your subscription level and status, then you will have access to the updates.

How Many Sites Can I Use The Plugin Or Theme On?

Plugins and Themes are 100% GPL licensed so, You can Install an Use them on as many websites  as you like

Can I Access New Products After Joining Membership?

Yes absolutely. You will be getting access to the newly added products with your Active Membership Plan.

How Often Are New Product Updates Released?

We usually add new products every day and publish new versions of the existing products. Please note we do not update products immediately and do not issue guarantee that the last version of each products will be added.

Can I Make A Request For A Plugin Or Theme Or Ask For An Updated Product?

Sure! you can contact us at anytime and ask for the product you would want adding to our repository.

Our repository it’s constantly growing, and your support make it possible!

We are adding new titles into the catalog each week based on how many users are requesting them.

Does All Products Comes With License Key?

All the products offered in this website do not need any license keys to use them. Some of the Products are already Activated. So you don’t need a license Key to activate them.

How Long Will I Receive Updates?

For single purchases, you get regular updates for 1 year. If you have a subscription, you will get all updates as long as your subscription is active.

Technical Questions

Will The Purchased Product Be Updated Automatically?

  • If you need to update the product, you must download it from our website and perform the update manually.
  • If you have already install the Plugin or Theme, Just Download the Latest Version and install manually and Click on “Replace Current With Uploaded” Button and product will be Updated to the Latest Version.

How To Fix “style.css Missing” Error While Uploading Themes?

New users installing WordPress themes may encounter a common issue labeled as the “Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error message while attempting to upload or activate the theme. This problem arises because the theme download package from ThemeForest contains extra files like documentation and licenses. To resolve this, follow these steps: Unzip the theme package downloaded from Us and upload the “themename.zip” file (where “themename” refers to the actual theme name). This will rectify the error and enable smooth theme activation.

How Do I Upgrade A Plugin?

First install and activate this plugin – Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades,
then follow the below steps:

  • Download the latest zip file for your plugin.
  • Log into your WordPress site.
  • Go to Plugins > Add New.
  • Click the “Upload Plugin” button at the top of the page.
  • Select the zip file with the new plugin version to install.
  • Click the “Install Now” button.

How Do I Upgrade A Theme?

First install and activate this plugin – Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades,
then follow the below steps:

  • Download the latest zip file for your theme.
  • Log into your WordPress site.
  • Go to Appearance > Themes.
  • Click the “Add New” button at the top of the page.
  • Click the “Upload Theme” button at the top of the page.
  • Select the zip file with the new theme version to install.
  • Click the “Install Now” button.

How Can I Manually Update Plugins And Themes?

We recommend that you take a backup of your website before updating any Plugins\Themes.

  • Download the latest .zip file for the plugin From Or Website.
  • Log into your WordPress website.
  • Go to “Plugins\Themes”>“Add New.”
  • Click the “Upload Plugin” button at the top of the page.
  • Select the .zip file with the updated version of the plugin.
  • Click the “Install Now” button.
  • Click on “Replace Current With Uploaded” Button.

It is the most simple and correct way to update the product is to replace the files of the old version of the product with the new version files. All product settings are saved, as they are stored in the database of the website.

Memory_limit = 256M; post_max_size = 128M Error

Hosting requirements for installation and use of products
Before you purchase a subscription on the website, make sure that your hosting meets the following minimum requirements:

Web server based on Apache or NGINX with 128MB of RAM
PHP version 5.6 or 7.0
MySQL version 5.6+ or MariaDB version 10.0+
Apache module mod_rewrite

To avoid getting errors during the installation of the product, make sure that you are using the correct PHP settings on your web server:

max_execution_time = 600; max_input_vars = 5000; memory_limit = 256M; post_max_size = 128M; upload_max_filesize = 128M;

Payment Related Queries

How to Make a Purchase?

To make purchases on our website, you must register on this page My Account. After logging into your account, you will be able to order the products from the basket and pay through one of the available payment systems.

What Payment Method are Available?

We support payment

  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card
  • PayPal
  • Google Pay
  • Paytm
  • PhonePe

Completely Secure Transaction with SSL.

Can I Get A Refund?

If the plugin or theme is not working properly and we also fail to help you then, in that case, you will get the money back.

If the plugin and theme are working properly then you will not get the money back.

Do You Provide Technical Support?

Yes, we do provide technical support. Feel free to contact us on whatsapp and live chat support or email us on info@ultraplugins.Store.

Where Can I Find Information About My Orders And Available Downloads?

You can find all necessary information on your My Account page(link)

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